Friday, March 4, 2011

John Deere Green.

Way out in the middle of this great big world.
Lives me and my wife, and my two little girls.
We farm for a living, and guess what we drive.
Its all John Deere; top of the line.

John Deere rules, at least around here.
And all the good farmers, you know they're driving Deere.
By far the best equipment that money can buy.
Superior engineering, the long green line.

John Deere to us farmers is a way of life.
If we ever get married we want a John Deere wife.
A John Deere house that's John Deere nice.
I guess you could say we want a John Deere life.

And on our days off, when we all go to town.
My John Deere wife and her eyes of brown.
With her John Deere looks and her John Deere smile.
She sure looks good, John Deere style.

We farmers of the land are a real strange breed.
We'd empty out our wallets just to drive green.
We really love our Deeres and that's how we stand.
And I'm telling you now, I'm a John Deere man.

When spring comes around and we hit the field.
Our shoulders square up, cause you see, we're driving green.
We're sitting extra tall, and were feeling extra proud.
And we wanna shout out, in John Deere loud.

When we're driving to the fields and see you in your cars.
Don't be a bit surprised when we wave from afar.
We know you're missing out, cause the view from up here.
Is out of this world, thanks to John Deere!

We're farmers raising food, this is what we love.
But this John Deere thing runs in the midst of our blood.
We're taking good care of these wonderful machines.
And we wanna paint the world, JOHN DEERE GREEN!


  1. Song to the tune of...???????.

  2. I don't know Jeff, maybe I'll let you and toby keith figure that out? ;-)

  3. Ah ,shucks ,we could maybe get the Sask stubble jumper,GAry Felgard.Or Gordon Lightfoot.Remember "Dusty ole Farmer.hanging down over your tractor wheels"


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